Models panel

Models Panel is where you can edit various model properties.
On top of the panel there is the following toolbar: Models panel

Nodes Tool

1. Nodes Tool
The tool for editing the model nodes. See Editing nodes

Animations Tool

2. Animations Tool
The tool for creating and editing the model animation list (see modelscript). See Editing animations.

Joints Tool

3. Joints Tool
The tool for creating the physcs capsules and joints for ragdolls and skeletal model raycasting. See Editing Physics.

Vertices Tool

4. Vertices Tool
The tool for editing the model vertices and normals. Used in particular for vegetation animation (see animating plant tutorial) . See Editing vertices.

Retargeting Tool

5. Retargeting Tool
The tool for animation retargeting.(see Animation Retargeting)

Locate Model

6. Locate Model
Click here to automatically open the folder in which the model is contained, inside the Project Browser.

Save Model data

7. Save Model data
Do not forget to click here to save the model data and animation list (modelscript) every time you modified it.


8. Help
Click here to access the manual page of the model editor (this) .

Once a model is imported into the s2engine editor (see FBX content pipeline), you can use the models panel for preparing the model to be used in your game or making some simple and fast fixes.
Following sections explain you all operations you can do on an imported model: