User guide

Editing nodes

To edit nodes you have to open the nodes tool.
To open the nodes tool click on icon.

Do not forget to show nodes before editing them Editing nodes

Nodes tree

1. Nodes tree
This is the tree view of model nodes.
Nodes are the basic components of a model, they are marked with different icons basing on their position inside the hierarchy and if they have or not drawable geometry:
  • The nodes containing a mesh or a skin are showed with the icon.
  • The leaf nodes that do not contain any geometry are showed with a red sphere icon.
  • All other nodes are drawed with icon. This means they are not a leaf and doesn't contain drawable geometry.

Even if do not contain drawable geometry, nodes can own physics capsules for raycasting and physics simulation (ragdolls)


Node options

2. Node options
Click on the down arrow of this combobox to know the list of functions that can be performed on nodes hierarchy. Editing nodes

Add a node

1. Add a node
This adds a new node as child of the current selected one.

When a new node is created it is assigned the name "new". You have to change it from its parameters

you cannot add a new node if the model is a single mesh model (sm2).


Add node as parent

2. Add node as parent
This adds a new node as parent of the current select one.

When a new node is created it is assigned the name "new". You have to change it from its parameters

you cannot add a new node if the model is a single mesh model (sm2).


Delete node

3. Delete node
Delete the current selected node.

This function deletes only the node, not the underlying hierarchy


Delete tree

4. Delete tree
Delete the current selected node with the whole underlying hierarchy

Add mesh (AddItem)

5. Add mesh (AddItem)
This option allows you to add a mesh to the current selected node.
When you save the model the added mesh is also saved.

In the current version, once you add a mesh to a node, you cannot remove it


Save mesh

6. Save mesh
This option allows you to save the mesh of the selected node (if there is one) as single mesh model (sm2).

Copy character pose

7. Copy character pose
This option copy into the clipboard the position and rotation of all nodes of the model. This operation is used expecially when you want to copy the pose of a character to another one.

Paste pose rotations

8. Paste pose rotations
This option replace all nodes rotation with those copied into the clipboard by CopyCharacterPose option.This operation is used expecially when you want to copy the pose of a character to another one.

Paste pose positions

9. Paste pose positions
This option replace all nodes positions with those copied into the clipboard by CopyCharacterPose option.This operation is used expecially when you want to copy the pose of a character to another one.

Selected node parameters

3. Selected node parameters
  • Name: the name of the node
  • Position: position of the node
  • Rotation: orientation of the node.

    The Rotation triple is expressed as (Yaw, Pitch, Roll). This means that the X value corresponds to a rotation around the Y axis (yaw),
    Y value corresponds to a rotation around X axis (pitch). This is a legacy problem that we planned to fix in future releases.

  • Scale: node scaling
  • Is Visible: Disable this if you want to hide the node (in the case the node contains drawable geometry)
  • Cast Shadows: Disable this if you want the node doesn't cast shadows (in the case the node contains drawable geometry)
  • Affect Motionblur: Disable this if you want the node doesn't affect motion blur effect (in the case the node contains drawable geometry)
  • Reset xform: if you click this button the node transformation is reset (the scaling is set to 1 and rotation and position to 0) after being applied to the owned geometry vertices (in the case the node contains drawable geometry)

    Reset xform can be applied only to single node models (sm2)


Material list

4. Material list
This is the list of materials the model is composed.
clicking on the blue eye you can locate the material inside the project browser.
You can change every material into the model in 2 ways:
  • Clicking on the material icon: in this case a material browsing dialog appears and you can choose the material you want to load.
  • Draging and dropping the material from the project browser.

If you have an object in the scene that owns the model and you change model materials, if you want these changes to be applied to the object you have to reset the materiasl list of the object from the class properties tool