User guide

Editing Animations

To edit nodes you have to open the nodes tool.
To open the nodes tool click on icon. Editing Animations

Animation List

1. Animation List
This is the list of animations included into the modelscript built upon the selected model.
Remember that a modescript is independent from a model,
it is a file that contains the list of animations, with their parameters and the list of masks built upon a given model, BUT not owned by model file.
This means that two objects owning the same model can own different modelscripts (so different animations for that model).
To Add a new animation:
  • Insert the name of the new animation to create into the Anim Name input box and press return.
  • Select the animation type from the Add animation combo box. Available animation type are: Single, Blend1D and Blend2D.
To Remove an animation:
simply click on the trash icon on the right side of the row of the animation to delete.


2. Animation
This is the group of parameters of the current selected animation.
Parameters are different basing on the animation type:

Current key

3. Current key
This is the group of parameters of the current selected keyframe of the current selected animation.
See Animation Track Panel topic for knowing more about how to add/remove a keyframe into a given animation.
  • Time: Input box containing the animation time (normalized from 0 to 1) at which the key as been recorded.
     If you change the time from the input box the keyframe is translated to a new time.
  • Event: Name of the event the model owner should send when reaching the keyframe. It can be any string you want.
  • Prefab: You can choose a prefab that can be spawned when the animation reaches the keyframe.
  • Pick Node: click on the button to pick a node from the model in model viewport.
    The selected node position and orientation will be used as spawn point for the prefab.
  • Position: The offset from the picked node origin the prefab must be spawned.
  • Rotation:The orientation offset from the picked node orientation the prefab must have when spawned.
  • Attach: If you check this, the prefab is attached to the chosen node when spawned.
    The following 2 groups of parameters work in case of Blend1D or Blend2D animation types.
    They control if a keyframe event must be fired or not basing on the weight of the source animations composing the blend1D\2D animation.
    In other words an event can be fired only if the value of the inputs to the Blend1D\2D animation falls inside a given range.
  • BlendX param group
  • Min X: The minimum X input that trigs the event
  • Max X: The maximum X input that trigs the event
  • Invert X: Invert the interval on X
    In other words an event is fire only if the input X of the Blend is inside [minX.maxX] range if invertX is FALSE or inside [0,minX] and [maxX,1] if invertX is TRUE
  • BlendY param group
  • Min Y: The minimum Y input that trigs the event
  • Max Y: The maximum Y input that trigs the event
  • Invert Y: Invert the interval on Y
    In other words an event is fire only if the input X of the Blend is inside [minY.maxY] range if invertX is FALSE or inside [0,minY] and [maxY,1] if invertX is TRUE


4. Mask
This is the group of parameters for creating and editing the animation masks.
A Mask is showed in the model viewport as red coloured skeleton part.
To create a new mask:
  • Click on the combobox input.
  • Type the name of the new mask you want to create.
  • Press return key.
To remove an existing mask:
  • Select the mask to remove
  • click on - button
Start Node: Click on the button to pick a node from the model in model viewport.
This node will be the root from which the mask recursion starts and goes to leaf nodes.
To remove the start node simply clear the input box.
Stop Nodes: The stop nodes list is a list containing nodes that stop the mask recursion before reaching the leaf nodes.
To Add a node to Stop Nodes list:
Click on + button to add a node,
Pick a node from model viewport
To remove a node from Stop Nodes:
Select the node from the Stop Nodes list
Click on - button.
Lock Nodes: Lock nodes list is a list containing nodes that are excluded from the mask.
The exclusion doesn't affect child nodes.
To Add a node to Lock Nodes list:
Click on + button to add a node,
Pick a node from model viewport
To remove a node from Lock Nodes:
Select the node from the Lock Nodes list
Click on - button.