User guide

Editing physics

The model joint tool is used for creating ragdolls.
For now this is the only functionality of this tool.

Joint tool, for now, is specifically designed for creating ragdolls and raycast geometry on skinned models,
do not use it on other kind of model Editing physics

Shape properties

1. Shape properties
The only physics shape that can be created and edited, for now, is the capsule.
This section is designed for creating and manipulating capsules.
  • Node name: Name of the node ino which create the physics capsule.
  • Material: The material of physics capsule.
    It is used mainly for creating particle systems when hit (see material archetypes).
  • Postion: Local position of the capsule.
  • Dimensions: Dimensions of the capsule.
  • Mass: Mass of the capsule, used when simulating the ragdoll.
  • Edit Shapes: A list of operations that can be performed on capulses: Editing physics

    Create capsule

    1. Create capsule
    Create a capule into the selected node

    Delete capsule

    2. Delete capsule
    Delete the current selected capsule

    Create all capsules

    3. Create all capsules
    Create a capsule for all nodes

    Copy all capsule

    4. Copy all capsule
    Copy capsules of all nodes of the model into the clipboard

    Paste all capsules

    5. Paste all capsules
    Paste capsules of all nodes from the clipboard to the nodes of the model.
    It checks correspondence between model node names and names stored into the clipboard,
    if the names match a capsule is created and its data is copied from the corresponding capsule stored in clipboard.

    Capsule alignment

    6. Capsule alignment
    X Align: the capsule vertical axis is aligned to the X axis of the node.
    Y Align: the capsule vertical axis is aligned to the Y axis of the node.
    Z Align: the capsule vertical axis is aligned to the Z axis of the node.

Capsules can overlap


Joint parameters

2. Joint parameters
These parameters define the behaviour of the physics D6 joint (six-degrees freedom Joint) between selected capsule and the parent node capsule.
Axis: Using this parameter you can decide how the twist axis of the capsule joint must be orietated respect to the axis of the owning node.
The twist axis is the X axis of the joint. It is showed as a pink line.
The following are 3 examples about how this parameter can be set:
  • 1,0,0 values: the twist axis is orientated along the X axis (the red axis) of the node.
    In the following image you can note the pink line is aligned with the red X axis of the node:
  • 0,1,0 values: the twist axis is orientated along the Y axis (the green axis) of the node.
    In the following image you can note the pink line is aligned with the Green Y axis of the node:
  • 0,0,1 values: the twist axis is orientated along the Z axis (the blue axis) of the node.
    In the following image you can note the pink line is aligned with the Blue Z axis of the node:

Swing and Twist axis must be orthonormal, so Axis and Swing axis cannot have the same values

  • Swing Axis:Using this parameter you can decide how the swing axis of the capsule joint must be orietated respect to the axis of the owning node.
    The swing axis is the Y axis of the joint. It is showed as a light green line.
    The following are 3 examples about how this parameter can be set:
  • 1,0,0 values: the swing axis is orientated along the X axis (the red axis) of the node.
    In the following image you can note the light green line is aligned with the red X axis of the node:
  • 0,1,0 values: the swing axis is orientated along the Y axis (the green axis) of the node.
    In the following image you can note the light green line is aligned with the Green Y axis of the node:
  • 0,0,1 values: the swing axis is orientated along the Z axis (the blue axis) of the node.
    In the following image you can note the light green line is aligned with the Blue Z axis of the node:
  • Linear Motion: Sets the type of freedom for the joint translations on Twist (x), swing1 (y) and swing2 (z) axis.
    There are 3 level of freedom allowed:
  • locked: the joint is completely locked on specified axis
  • limited: the joint is limited in movement on specified axis. Below it is explained how to set these limits.
  • free: the joint is free to move on the specified axis.
  • Linear Limit: These parameters describe what are limits to the movement of the joint and how the joint must behave when reaching them.
  • Value: The extent of the limit. I.e. the max distance of the joint from the origin along the given axis.
  • Dump: if spring is greater than zero, this is the damping of the limit spring
  • Restitution: Controls the amount of bounce when the joint hits a limit
  • Spring: if greater than zero, the limit is soft, i.e. a spring pulls the joint back to the limit

Basing on the number of axis limited, the motion constraint can be a single line, a circle or a sphere

  • Angular Motion: Sets the type of freedom for the joint rotations along Twist (x), swing1 (y) and swing2 (z) axis.
    There are 3 level of freedom allowed:
  • locked: the joint rotation is completely locked around specified axis
  • limited: the joint rotation is limited around specified axis. Below it is explained how to set these limits.
  • free: the joint is free to rotate around the specified axis
  • Twist Low Limit: Lower limit for the Twist (x) axis of the joint.
  • Value: The lower angle of the limit.
  • Dump: if spring is greater than zero, this is the damping of the limit spring
  • Restitution: Controls the amount of bounce when the joint hits a limit
  • Spring: if greater than zero, the limit is soft, i.e. a spring pulls the joint back to the limit
  • Twist High Limit: Upper limit for the Twist (x) axis of the joint.
  • Value: The upper angle of the limit.
  • Dump: if spring is greater than zero, this is the damping of the limit spring
  • Restitution: Controls the amount of bounce when the joint hits a limit
  • Spring: if greater than zero, the limit is soft, i.e. a spring pulls the joint back to the limit

The upper limit must be no lower than the lower limit

  • Swing1 Limit: Limit for the Swing1 (y) axis of the joint.
  • Value: The absolute value of the angle of the limit. This means that the joint swing1 angle is limited in range [-value,value].
  • Dump: if spring is greater than zero, this is the damping of the limit spring
  • Restitution: Controls the amount of bounce when the joint hits a limit
  • Spring: if greater than zero, the limit is soft, i.e. a spring pulls the joint back to the limit
  • Swing2 Limit: Limit for the Swing2 (z) axis of the joint.
  • Value: The absolute value of the angle of the limit. This means that the joint swing2 angle is limited in range [-value,value].
  • Dump: if spring is greater than zero, this is the damping of the limit spring
  • Restitution: Controls the amount of bounce when the joint hits a limit
  • Spring: if greater than zero, the limit is soft, i.e. a spring pulls the joint back to the limit