Soldier is the most complex kind of enemy until now.
He has the ability to cover behind obstacles, either standing up or crouching, to shoot against player or to beat him if too close.
He has the ability to patrol a zone and to view the player (he has a much complex "vision" system than zombies, not only a distance check).
Optionally He can also open doors (locked or not).
Soldier prerfabs are located into 3 different folders basing on their type:
Soldiers behaviour is built up with 3 gameMachines.
The first 2 are located into EasyGamePack\Characters\Marine folder, the third one is located into EasyGamePack\Characters folder:
Locomotion_marine: it determines what are the movements (animations) of the soldier basing on its direction and its velocity and how the soldier must react to a hit or the death.
marine: it determines the logic of the soldier as the sum of patroling, covering and shooting behaviours.
FootIK: This gameMachine is a small addition that makes the soldier character to place the foot by following the bottom ground.
Following are the parameters of the locomotion gameMachine:
![1](drex_bullet_1.png) IdleMaxSpeed
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![2](drex_bullet_2.png) walkMaxSpeed
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![3](drex_bullet_3.png) walkMinSpeed
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![4](drex_bullet_4.png) runMinSpeed
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![5](drex_bullet_5.png) runMul
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
The following are the parameters of marine gameMachine
![1](drex_bullet_1.png) navmesh
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![2](drex_bullet_2.png) walkSpeed
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![3](drex_bullet_3.png) runSpeed
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![4](drex_bullet_4.png) patrolID
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![5](drex_bullet_5.png) aggression
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![6](drex_bullet_6.png) pitch_ofs
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![7](drex_bullet_7.png) jogSpeed
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![8](drex_bullet_8.png) speech_silence
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![9](drex_bullet_9.png) alert_range
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![10](drex_bullet_10.png) patrol_range
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![11](drex_bullet_11.png) cover_range1
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![12](drex_bullet_12.png) cover_range2
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![13](drex_bullet_13.png) coverID
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![14](drex_bullet_14.png) scoreObject
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
The following are parameters of the FootIK gameMachine:
![1](drex_bullet_1.png) smooth
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![2](drex_bullet_2.png) hitmask
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![3](drex_bullet_3.png) eps
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![4](drex_bullet_4.png) IK_fwd
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
![5](drex_bullet_5.png) leanMul
<TODO>: Insert description text here...
modelscript of the soldier is a bit more complex than the zombie one. Soldier are animated by separating the body into top and bottom part. This separation is made by superimposing two
animation channels with a top/bottom animation mask. The bottom channel is managed inside the
locomotion gameMachine, the top one inside the
logic gameMachine. This system is used for making top animations independent from bottom ones, for example shooting while running.
The soldiers modelscript is the same for either marines and criminals.
It is named Marine_tpose_mixamorig.ms2 and it is located into EasyGamePack\Characters\Marine.
Patroling of the soldiers is less more the same of the
zombies one.
You must place
PatrolPoints along the zones you want soldier must patrol and use the
PatrolID for distinguishing the zone (see also