User guide

Enemy Characters

EasyGamepack is provided with 2 kind of enemies:
They mainly differ in their behaviour.
Zombies normally patrol a given zone composed by a set of patrol points.
When player character is at a certain distance from the zombie it starts to follow him until it reaches the target and start to execute the attack.
Soldiers have a bit more complex behaviour.
Normally they patrol a zone just as the zombies but they need to "see" the player for starting to "attack" him, not just basing on a simple range check.
Once they discover the player they can perform two different kind of behaviour with a frequency based on their "aggression" level:
Higher is the aggression level more frequently they will perform the behaviour "b".
Both types of enemy have at least 2 gameMachines for performing their actions, the first gameMachine is related to the locomotion system which works on the movement animations, on top of the locomotion system is the "logic"  gameMachine which works on the decision to take in a given situation.
The enemyCharacter class specific parameters are the following:
6.3.9. Enemy Characters


1. Health
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Caption Related Parameters

2. Caption Related Parameters
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