S2ENGINE HD  1.4.6
Official manual about S2Engine HD editor and programming

Base Class: StaticGeom



Decal is the static version of DecalObject. Unlike DecalObject It can be created and placed only using the editor, not using script. It also haven't a life param because, just like other static objects, it isn't updated during game simulation, so it doesn't disappear.

Size(float) Size of the decal.
SizeVariance(float) max variation in size. Decal size is computed by summing the size with some random quantity that can assume values from 0.0 to SizeVariance.
Material(material filename) decal material.
Displace(float) Distance of decal from the wall. Do not modify, reserved to the system.
onlyOnTerrain(bool) if true decal has effect only on terrain.
onlyOnRoad(bool) if true decal has effect only on roads.
surfIDID for overlapping decals sorting. Decals with greater values overlap smaller ones.

Receiving Messages


Sending Messages


See also