User guide

Rendering Properties Rendering Properties

Mask properties

1. Mask properties
  • Mask: Layers Mask is an RGB or RGBA texture, where every channel is the mask of the corresponding layer (R for layer 1, G for layer 2, B for layer 3, A for layer 0).
The alpha channel of the mask is used as alpha transparency of the material (combined with the alpha channel of the layer 0 diffuse texture).
See Textures and Materials for more info.
  • Clamp Mask UV: Check this if you want to clamp between 0 and 1 the UV coordinates of the mask texture
  • Mask Distance: Maximum distance the material layers upon layer 0 can be visible. it is used for speeding up shader when an object is far.

Alpha Properties

2. Alpha Properties
  • Alpha Test: Check this if you want parts of the surface be discarded basing on the alpha channel of the llayer 0 Diffuse texture
  • Alpha Blend: Enable the transparency of the material.
  • Blend Function: A combo Box listing all the available blending modes, it works only if Alpha Blend flag is enabled:
  • Add: the material color is added to the background
  • Opacity: transparency of the material is based on alpha channel of the layer 0 diffuse texture and alpha channel of the mask (if exists). It is the classical alpha blending.
  • Mul: The material color is multiplied for the background.
  • Alpha Level: Use this to set the tranpsarency intensity of the material. It works only if Alpha Blend flag is enabled:

Double Sided flag

3. Double Sided flag
Check this if you want the surface be visible front and back

Refraction properties

4. Refraction properties
  • Refract:Enable this flag to make the material refractive.
  • Refract Power:Use this to set the intensity of the refraction. Can be from 0 to infinite.
  • Refract Density:Used in the case of volumetric refractive surfaces, like water. If > 0 it adds a special kind of fog behind the material surface for simulating a participating media.

Emission Properties

5. Emission Properties
  • Emit Light: Enable this only in case you want a particle system to be emissive or the material is transparent and has an emission texture.
    See Emit Texture parameter below.
  • Emission Power: Use this to set the intensity of emission. Can be 0 (no emission) to infinite.
  • Emission Color: A color that is multiplied with the emission texture color.
  • Emit Texture: The Emission texture. A texture map defining the what part of the material are emissive (white) and what not (black).
    You must set this if you want a material be emissive.
    Starting from 2018.1 version there are some combinations of Emit Light flag and Emit Texture that cause the material to become invisible giving invalid results.
    Following is a summary table showing valid / invalid combinations:
    Object type
    Emit Light
    Emit Texture
    Particle system
    Particle system
    Particle system
    Normal mesh Opaque
    Normal mesh Opaque
    Normal mesh Opaque
    Normal mesh Transparent
    Normal mesh Transparent
    Normal mesh Transparent

Scatter / translucency properties

6. Scatter / translucency properties
  • Scatter Level: Subsurface scattering level. Values for 0 to 1.
  • BackScatter Level: Translucency level. Values from 0 to 1.
  • Thickness texture: It is a grey scaled texture map used for controlling the amount of scattering and translucency on a per texel basis. White is max scattering, black is minimum.
  • Scatter color: This is a list of colors that can be used for colouring the scattering effect. For example red could be used for simulating the skin scattering.
    The combo box is used for selecting the color index you want to use, the colo bix is used for customizing the color at that index.

    There are 8 possible colors to be used for all materials.
    If you change one of the colors of the list, the change will be reflected on all the materials

Decal properties

7. Decal properties
  • Is Decal: The material is rendered using decal shader path.
    In the simple case the material albedo is blended with the backgorund albedo, but normal and roughness are unused, i.e. normal and roughness of the background remain untouched.
  • Decal+Normal: Enable this flag if you want the decal normal+roughness is blended with the background. This works only if IsDecal is enabled.
  • Water Decal: Enable this if you want the material must be applied to decal used in the water or ocean. (see Decal for more info).
  • Is Puddle: Enable this if you want the decal must be a Puddle.
    Pubble decals are faded-in / faded-out using the puddleLevel parameter in the weather section of the Special FX editor

Macro texture details

8. Macro texture details
These parameters are specific for materials with more than one layer.
Normally layers are rendered using alpha blending on the layer mask, on either diffuse and normal (normal + rouighness + metallic) texture, this means that:
  • layer 1 replaces layer 0 where the R channel of the mask has value 1 (white),
  • layers 0 and 1 are replaced by layer 2 where G channel of the mask has value 1
  • layers 0,1 and 2 are replaced by layer 3 where B channel of the mask has value 1.
    Using these parameter the blending mode between layer 0 and all the others (1,2,3) can be changed basing on the texture type (albedo, normal and roughness).
    Blending between layers 1,2 and 3 doesn't change.
  • For albedo the alpha blending can be replaced with multiplicative blending between layer 0 and all the others.
  • For normal the alpha blending can be replaced with normalized additive blending, between layer 0 and all the others.
  • In the case of roughness the alpha blending remains but it is performed for making layer 0 roughness to replace the roughness of all other layers.
The follow list explain every parameter in details:
  • Macro Bump: Use this for making the layers 1 to 3 normal map to affect less / more the normal map of layer 0 (in those parts where the mask is > 0).
    Value 0 means the Macro Bump is disabled. Values > 0 macro bump is enabled and layer 1,2,3 normals increases towards value 1 over the layer 0 normal map.
  • Macro Diffuse:Use this for making the layers 1,2,3 albedo map to be multiplied by the albedo map of layer 0 (in those parts where the mask is > 0).
    Value 0 means Macro Diffuse is disabled, Values > 0 macro diffuse is enabled and layer 1,2,3 albedo are incrementally multiplied by layer 0 albedo.
  • Macro Gloss:Use this for making the layer 0 roughness to affect less / more the roughness of other layers (in those parts where the mask is > 0).
    Value 0 means layer 0 roughness is replaced by other layers roughness where mask is > 0 (Macro gloss disabled), value > 0 until 1 means layer 0 roughness incrementally overlaps roughness of all other layers.

    Macro Gloss works only if Macro Bump is > 0.


Humidity level

9. Humidity level
This value is multiplied by the Humidity value in the FX editor.
It is used for controlling the amount of humidity on a per object basis when the humidity level of the scene (in the FX panel) increases.
Valid values range from 0 to 1.

Shader quality

10. Shader quality
This is used for setting how the shader of a material must be rendered.
There are 4 options:
  • Auto: the shader quality is determined by the distance from the camera.
  • Hi: the shader quality is always high, regardless from the camera distance
  • Med: the shader quality is always medium, regardless from the camera distance
  • Low: the shader quality is always low, regardless from the camera distance

Vegetation Color Variation

11. Vegetation Color Variation
Hue variation has effect only if material is marked as vegetation (see Misc Properties).
It is used for giving a small color variation to the vegetation basing on its position.