To do this select the light and open the
class panel(if it is not already opened).
The class panel contains the properties of the current selected object.
In the case of a light there are some specific parameters (see
The most important are showed into the following image (see staticLight for a detailed description of all parameters):
 Light color
Use this colorbox for changing the color of the light
 Spotlight inner radius (a.k.a. field of view)
Use this slider to change the inner FOV (i.e. the minimum radius of the spot) of the light in the case it is a spotlight.
The inner FOV must be less than the FOV, it works only if light is a spotlight.
It is expressed in Degrees.
InnerFOV: 80, FOV:90
InnerFOV: 0 FOV:90
 Projection type of light
This combobox is used for choosing if light must be omni or spot.
It has 2 values:
cube: the light is an omni light (default)
persp: the light is a spotlight
The spotlight is always orientated along the Z axis
 Light Radius
Radius of the light, i.e. the maximum range of influence of the light.
 Intensity of the light
Use this slider to set the light intensity, greater values mean more powerful light.
Values must start from 0.
 Spotlight outer radius (a.k.a. field of view)
Use this slider to change the outer FOV (i.e. the maximum radius of the spot) of the light in the case it is a spotlight.
It is expressed in Degrees.
FOV: 30, InnerFOV: 0
FOV: 100, InnerFOV: 0