Starting from 2023.2 version the project creation procedure has been simplified with a wizard.
For creating a new project from Launcher clkick on the Add button at the end of the projects grid as showed into the following image:
The project creation wizard dialog will appear.
The project wizard allows you to create a new project in 3 steps:
In this step you inster the name of the project you want to create:
 Project name
The input box in which to insert the name of the new project to create.
 Next Step
Click here to go to the next step
In this step you eventually choose one or more asset packages to be included into the project when created:
 Asset packages number
Total number of asset packages installed into the system
 Packages grid
The grid of total packages in the system.
All packages you select will be installed into the project to create.
When you select a package it is highlighted with an orange box. You can click on a selected package to deselect it.
You can select as many packages as you want to install.
You can also SKIP this step without selecting any package and create a void project.
 Next Step
Click here to go to next step
 Previous Step
Click here to return back to previous step
The final step:
 Create the project
Click Here to Finish the setup phase and create the project
 Previous Step
Click here to return back to previous step
 Browse Destination folder
You can eventually click here if you want the project to be installed on a folder different from the default Projects folder.
By default the project folder is automatically selected at start.
| If you want the system to recognize the project and include it among the available projects into the libray page, you have to SKIP this.