User guide


S2Engine HD Terrain features a vegetation system lets you to paint vegetation.
Vegetation system is based on a map (a kind of texture map), called vegetation mask.
Every texel of the vegetation mask stores the index of a vegetation layer(vgl) to show.
To access terrain vegetation tool click on icon on the terrain editor toolbar. Vegetation

Vegetation layers list

1. Vegetation layers list
Here is where you can add a new vegetation layer or select / delete an already created one.
To add a vegetation layer:
  • Click on an <empty> slot.
  • Click on button.
  • Choose the vegetation layer resource to assign from the appearing Vegetation layer browser dialog.
If you change some parameters of a vegetation layer resource already assigned to a slot, you have to click on button to apply these changes also on the layer painted (or to be painted) on the terrain.
Take in mind that the update of a vegetation layer can take time to be completed depending on the dimensions of the terrain.
To know how to modify a Vegetation layer resource see Vegetation Editor topic.
To delete a vegetation layer from the terrain you have to click on icon of the layer slot to delete.
Once you have assigned a vegetation layer to a slot you can paint it on the terrain just as for colors and textures.
Holding Left Ctrl + Left Mouse Button you can erase what you have painted.

For every texel of the vegetation mask it can be stored only one vegetation layer index at time.
This means that if you, for example, paint the vegetation layer number 1 on a texel that stores vegetation layer number 0, this last is replaced by vegetation layer 1.
In other words, Vegetation layers cannot overlap, this means that if you paint a vegetation layer on another one, the first will replace the latter.


Vegetatin layer options

2. Vegetatin layer options
  • Brush Radius

    This is the radius of the painting brush.
  • Align To Terrain

    If you enable this, the Y(up) axis of all the objects of the layer will be aligned to the terrain surface normals.
    It works in any moment, even if you have already painted the layer on the terrain.