Official manual about S2Engine HD editor and programming
Base Class: AIPoint
WayPoint is a special kind of AIPoint. Waypoints can be connected each other. They are used by the AI navigation system of an AI agent to compute a path inside a WaypointArea. In free terrain Path-finding is automatically computed by the AIsystem, but there are areas, such as Building interiors, where this is not sufficient, so AI system need a little help by the level designer which must delimit these area as WaypointArea and put inside them Waypoints. To Make navigation system knowing where to pass to enter in or exit from a waypoint area some waypoint must be marked as Entry point. Waypoints are normally represented as spheres of yellow color, but if they are marked has entry/exit point they have white color.
Generally to let agents to navigate either outdoor, among buildings, and indoor, inside buildings, ForbiddenAreas are used to delimitate buildings, making agents to avoid them, and WaypointAreas plus Waypoints are used inside buildings using a Waypoint entry point to let agent enter/exit from buildings.
isEntry | if true the waypoint is marked as entry/exit point in/from a WaypointArea. |