S2ENGINE HD  1.4.6
Official manual about S2Engine HD editor and programming

Base Class: MeshObject



DestroyableMesh is a special kind of MeshObject. It has just the same features of a MeshObject, plus some new ones. First it can receive messages, messages can be also processed using script, so unlike MeshObject DestroyableMesh can have a script associated. Default message that DestroyableMesh can process is the hitted message. When receives this message, the DestroyableMesh active a particleSystem, if exists, and replace its mesh with a destroyed version. A typical usage of this kind of object are destroyable windows, just like in figure.

PSystemToActive(string) filename of the particle system prefab to spawn when destroyed.
DestroyedMesh(model filename) filename of the model to replace when destroyed.

Receiving Messages

Name Description Content parameters
Hitted When receives this message DestroyableMesh activates a particlesystem and replace its mesh with a 'destroyed' one. none

Sending Messages


See also