S2ENGINE HD  1.4.6
Official manual about S2Engine HD editor and programming

Publish your game

Publishing procedure creates all the runtimes of your game. It starts creating a Folder and then It puts inside all the files needed for executing the game.
To start the publishing procedure you can select File->Publish.. from the main menu, as showed into the following image:


Alternatively you can click on the publishing icon on the main toolbar, as showed into the following image:


The publishing dialog will appear. It lets you to choose the folder in which to create you game main folder and other options we will explain later:

  1. Choose the folder.
    it must be outside the folder of the source project and outside the main S2Engine folder.
  2. Choose the name of your application. This is the name that S2Engine will give to your application main folder and your application executable file.
  3. Choose the first scene. This is the scene your game will load at starting
  4. Choose the main script (optional). This is the script your game will load at start.
    Generally we suggest to leave this field blank. In this case the engine will create automatically a main script that load the first scene.
    In the case you the game load a script of your own we suggest to first see how the automatically generated script is made. the automatically generated script is called "main.sc2" and it is put into your project main folder.
  5. Create archive. If this option is checked the Engine will create an unique file (.s2a) containing all your game resources.
    the generation of the archive could slowdown publishing, so we suggest to check it only when you must create your game final release.
    After configuring the publishing procedure click on Publish and wait. Publishing settings are stored inside the project file so when restarting the project publishing setting remain

Testing your game

If you want to test the game before publishing it or you want to makw a fast test of the game during development you can select Game->Test from the main menu as showed into the following image:


The Test dialog will appear. It is the same as Publishing dialog except that you cannot modify application path, application name and Create folder because, in this case, they are not needed. When click on Test button a new process is created that executes the game starting from the Start Scene.

As for The publishing process, a main script is created if not specified.