Make Your Game, Play Your Game
XeniosVision guys have posted a new video on IndieDB. Pierluigi says: “Hi, here the first BlackSoul demonstration video. What you can see in the video is the cemetery
XeniosVision guys have posted a video showing BlackSoul editing in action. PierLuigi, XeniosVision coder, says: “Hi, some poeple asked me in these
Hi guys, I’m proud to announce that game studio “XeniosVision” is developing a survival horror called “BlackSoul” powered by S2Engine HD. The following is the official press from indieDB:
Hi guys, Recently I’ve worked a lot for improving the 1.03.00 build. I’ve released step by step small updates until the newest 1.03.07 version.
Today we have released the new S2ENGINE HD 1.03.00 version.
In September I’m working on the new 1.03.00 version. The key feature I’m working on is the cutscene tool. This tool gives you the possibility to create realtime game cinematic cutscenes using the engine rendering power.
Hi guys, I’m out of office until 31 August 2011. All BASIC License orders or TRIAL requests will be processed from 1th September 2011. BUT I leave you with a lot of news:
We are working on a new patch than will be released on monday. This is the second patch after the second build. This fact has convinced us that a new versioning system is needed. From today we will call all new versions with 3 numbers separated by dot:
Since yesterday I’ve worked on a couple of shaders responsible of fog & atmosphere rendering. From the release of the new build I’ve noticed some problems into setting correctly the fog: increasing the extinsion factor just a bit affects the sky color too much and details like clouds easly disappear, this wasn’t acceptable.
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