Vegetation editor

Vegetation Editor is used for editing the vegetation layer asset to be used for pinting vegetation on the terrain.
The Vegetation Editor can be opened in 3 ways:
  • Inspecting an existing vegetation asset:
  • Click right mouse button on the vegetation in the Project Browser.
  • Choose inspect from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Tools->VegetationEd on the main menu.
  • Clicking on a vegetation slot in the vegetation list of the vegetation tool in the terrain editor.

    Once you have opened the Vegetation editor, the following panel will appear:
3.4.13. Vegetation editor

Vegetation file

1. Vegetation file
Here you can:
  • Read the path of the vegetation asset
  • Save the asset clicking on button
  • Locate the asset into the Project browser by clicking on the blue eye

Grass parameters

2. Grass parameters
Here you can set the parameter for the grass section of the vegetation:
  • Grass

    The grass prefab, you can choose the one you want by clicking on the icon slot
  • Density

The grass object is placed every Density pixels on the vegetation mask. (see Vegetation Layers topic).
So greater values mean less density. Valid values range from 1.

Trees parameters

3. Trees parameters
The Trees section allows the loading of 4 different types of tree that are randomly chosen when painting the vegetation.
Here you can set the parameters of the trees sectrion of the vegetation asset:
  • Tree0

    The first tree prefab you can set
  • Tree1
    The second tree prefab you can set
  • Tree2
    The third tree prefab you can set
  • Tree3
    The fourth tree prefab you can set
  • Min Density
    Tree objects are placed every [MinDensity, MaxDensity] pixels of the mask, where [MinDensity, Max Density] is a range from MinDensity to MaxDensity integers.
  • Max Density
    Tree objects are placed every [MinDensity, MaxDensity] pixels of the mask, where [MinDensity, Max Density] is a range from MinDensity to MaxDensity integers.

    It is not necessary to specify all 4 objects as different prefabs and it is not necessary to specify all objects


Plants parameters

4. Plants parameters
The Plants section allows the loading of 4 different types of plant that are randomly chosen when painting the vegetation.
Here you can set the parameters of the plants section of the vegetation asset:
  • Plant0

    The first plant prefab you can set
  • Plant

    The second plant prefab you can set
  • Plant

    The third plant prefab you can set
  • Plant

    The fourth plant prefab you can set
  • Min Number
    Minimum number of plants that can be placed around a tree. It ranges starting from 0.
  • Max Number
    Maximum number of plants that can be placed around a tree. It ranges starting from 0. It must be >= than Min Number.
  • Min Distance
    Minimum distance of the plants from the tree (expressed in pixels on the vegetation mask). The distance is chosen randomly for every plant in the range [MinDistance, MaxDistance].
  • Max Distance
    Maximum distance of the plants from the tree (expressed in pixels on the vegetation mask). The distance is chosen randomly for every plant in the range [MinDistance, MaxDistance].

    It is not necessary to specify all 4 objects as different prefabs and it is not necessary to specify all objects


Stones parameters

5. Stones parameters
The Stones section allows the loading of 4 different types of stone that are randomly chosen when painting the vegetation.
Here you can set the parameters of the stones section of the vegetation asset:
  • Stone0

    The first stone prefab you can set
  • Stone

    The second stone prefab you can set
  • Stone

    The third stone prefab you can set
  • Stone

    The fourth stone prefab you can set
  • Min Number
    Minimum number of stones that can be placed around a tree. It ranges starting from 0.
  • Max Number
    Maximum number of stones that can be placed around a tree. It ranges starting from 0. It must be >= than Min Number.
  • Min Distance
    Minimum distance of the stones from a plant (expressed in pixels on the vegetation mask). The distance is chosen randomly for every stone in the range [MinDistance, MaxDistance].
  • Max Distance
    Maximum distance of the stones from a plant (expressed in pixels on the vegetation mask). The distance is chosen randomly for every stone in the range [MinDistance, MaxDistance].

    It is not necessary to specify all 4 objects as different prefabs and it is not necessary to specify all objects