User guide

Rendering section

Rendering section

Rendering quality preset

1. Rendering quality preset
Choose a rendering quality configuration preset using this combo box.
Presets available are 7 (ordered from lowest to highest quality):
  • ultra low,
  • very low,
  • low,
  • med,
  • hi,
  • very hi,
  • ultra hi.

Bloom quality

2. Bloom quality
Use this combo box to set the qquality of the screen Glow effect

Lens post processing Effects

3. Lens post processing Effects
Check this control if you want to enable post processing lens efects:
  • Lens flares
  • Chromatic aberration
  • Lens distortion

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

4. Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
Check this to enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion effect

Screen Space God Rays

5. Screen Space God Rays
Check this to enable Screen Space God Rays effect

Post Processing Color Correction

6. Post Processing Color Correction
Check this if you want to enable all the post processing effects related to color correction:
  • Lift/Gain/Gamma effect
  • Saturation
  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Vibrance
  • Color balance
  • Linear correction

Motion Blur

7. Motion Blur
Check this to enable Motion Blur effect

Depth Of Field

8. Depth Of Field
Depth Of Filed post processing effect can be set using 3 values basing on quality:
  • none: disable completely the effect
  • low: low quality shader
  • high: high quality shader

    Increasing quality reduces performances



9. Shadows
Use this to set when and where shadows must be applied:
  • none: shadows are completely disabled
  • sun: only sun shadows are drawn
  • cached: sun shadows and all shadows into cache are drawed (dynamic shadows are excluded)
  • all: shadows must be applied always (dynamic shadows are included)

Resolution of Sun Shadows

10. Resolution of Sun Shadows
You can set the resolution of sun shadows using this combo box. Values are:
  • high: resolutin is 1024x1024 for every split of the shadow cascades
  • medium: resolution is 512x512 for every split
  • low: resolution is 256x256 for every split

Increasing resolution reduces performances


Sun Shadow splits refreshing

11. Sun Shadow splits refreshing
This parameter controls how the splits of the sun shadow cascades must be refreshed.
Values ranges between 0 and 10.
  • 0 means all cascades must be refreshed every frame (this is the most computationally expensive value)
  • 10 means that, except the first, all cascades must be refreshed every n frames basing on their distance (nearest are updated more frequently)

Water caustics effect

12. Water caustics effect
Check this if you want to enable caustics effect under the ocean, the rivers and the lakes.

Water reflections

13. Water reflections
This parameter allows you to decide what must be reflected by the ocean water:
  • all: All objects are reflected
  • terrain: only terrain is reflected
  • none: no objects are reflected (only sky)

Atmosphere and fog

14. Atmosphere and fog
Check this for enabling the atmosphere scattering and exponential fog effects

Screen space reflections

15. Screen space reflections
Use this combo box for choosing the quality of screen space reflections:
  • none: screen space reflections disabled
  • low: half resolution screen space reflections
  • high: full resolution screen psace reflection

    Increasing quality reduces performances


Anti Aliasing quality

16. Anti Aliasing quality
Use this combo box for setting the quality of AnitAliasing:
  • none: no antialiasi is performed
  • low: low quality antialiasing is performed
  • mid: medium quality antialiasing is performed

    Increasing quality reduces performances


Scene Level Of Detail (LOD)

17. Scene Level Of Detail (LOD)
These silders are used to set the level of detail global multipliers for different component of the game scene, respectively Terrain, Objects and shadows.
The level of detail is computed, either for object geometry and for object shadows, basing on the distance from the camera, the max camera distance is set into Object attribuites, for every object.
The level of detail computed is then multiplier by these global scene level of detail values.

High Quality SSAO

18. High Quality SSAO
Normally SSAO is performed at half resolution.
High Quality SSAO mode performs a blend between half and full resolution SSAO for better quality.

Increasing quality reduces performances


Dynamic camera centered reflections quality

19. Dynamic camera centered reflections quality
S2Engine performs dynamic cubemap reflections by rendering a cubemap from camera point of view.
Using this combo box you can set the quality of cubemap reflections:
  • High: sky, objects and shadows are drawn
  • Medium: sky, objects but not shadows are drawn
  • Low: only sky is drawn
    It works only if Dynamic Refl is enabled

Reflections cubemap resolution

20. Reflections cubemap resolution
Use this combo box for setting the resolution of the dynamic reflections cubemap (for every face).
It works only if Dynamic Refl is enabled.

Increasing resolution reduces performances


Enable Dynamic camera centered reflections

21. Enable Dynamic camera centered reflections
Check this if you want to enable the Dynamic camera centered cubemap reflections.

Screen space Global Illumination

22. Screen space Global Illumination
This enables a screen space effect similar to Ambient Occlusion but with additional color bleeding.

Ambient cubemaps

23. Ambient cubemaps
This enables the rendering of the ambient lights. See ambient lights

Terrain Ambient Occlusion Quality

24. Terrain Ambient Occlusion Quality
Use this to set the quality of Terrain Ambient Occlusion effect:
  • None: no terrain Occlusion
  • Simple: Terrain occlusion effect takes into account only pixel position
  • Complex: Terrain occlusion effect takes into account also pixel normals

Sun Shadows Quality

25. Sun Shadows Quality
Use this combo box to set the rendering quality of sun shadows:
  • Low: shadows are drawn using simple PCF filtering
  • High: shadows are drawn using Poisson disk filtering and soft shadows basing on occluders distance.

Resolution scale multiplier

26. Resolution scale multiplier
Use this slider to set the rendering resolution multiplier. Lower resolution multiplier, better performances at the cost of reduced details.

GUI and text aren't scaled


Texture anisotropic filter

27. Texture anisotropic filter
Use this slider to set the level of anisotropic filter for textures. Valid values are between 0 and 16

Reflection cubemap maximum rendering distance

28. Reflection cubemap maximum rendering distance
Use this slider to set the maximum distance (in centimeters) at which objects in Dynamic camera centered reflections cubemap are rendered.