User guide

Edit actions

Actions can be created, copied and configured from the state tab.

To create a new action and append it to the state action list, click on the Add button into the state tab of the FSM editor showed into the following image:
A new dialog will appear that let you to choose the action to add: Edit actions

Available actions list

1. Available actions list
List from which to choose the action.
The actions are divided into groups basing on their functionality.
Click to an action for selecting it.

Action search

2. Action search
You can try to find an action by typing here some words that could be inside action name

Selected action description

3. Selected action description
A brief description of the selected action

Selected action parameters

4. Selected action parameters
The list of parameters of selected action. If you go over a parameter a tooltip describing the parameter can appear.

Add action

5. Add action
Click here to create the action

Once added, actions cannot be moved up and down into the action list of the state

Sometime it could happen you want to insert an action between 2 existing actions of the list, instead of appending it at the end of the list.
In this case you can click on the + symbol at the bottom of the action block below which you want to add the new action, as showed into the following image:

Action  can be copied and pasted into the same state or in different states.
To copy action into the clipboard click on the c button on bottom-right of the action block, as showed into the following image:
After copied into the clipboard you can paste the action below any other action you want even if belonging to another state.
Simply click on the p button on bottom-right of the action block below which you want to paste, as showed into the following image:

To delete an action you have to click on the trash button on the bottom-right of the action block, as showed into the following image: