Configuring Input Map

To add a new Input Action click on + button as showed into the following image:
A dialog will appear That lets you to insert the name to be associated to the new Action:
The same operation is required to add a new input axis,
click on + of the InputAxis Group box:
After you have added a new Input action/axis you must add an element to associate a key, a mouse movement/button, or a pad stick/button to the action/axis.
  • select the action/axis you want to configure
  • click on + button as showed into the following image:
  • A new item will appear, click on the ComboBox to choose what key/pad/mouse feature you want to associate:
  • In the case of InputAxis you can also decide how much scaling must be applied to the returned value:
  •  In the case of InputAction you can decide if the action must be returned after a combination with shift, alt or control keyboard buttons:

    As you seen you can associate more than one element to a single input action/axis. This is necessary in order to let game processing more than one input (mouse, pad, keyboard) with a single identifier at the same time. For example you can associate mouse left button, keyboard E key and gamepad Right Thumb button to the same action named as shoot