User guide

Misc Properties Misc Properties

Default collision slots

1. Default collision slots
In the case the material hasn't an archetype assigned (see Physics Properties) these slots are used by projectiles and raycasters for spawning a decal and a particle system when hitting the material.
You can thing to these as 'default' impact decal and particle system.
To select them you have to click on the related slot and choose, in the appearing browser dialog, the decal or particle system prefab you want to spawn when material is hit.

Visible flag

2. Visible flag
Uncheck this if you want to make material invisible

Vegetation Flag

3. Vegetation Flag
If you check this flag the material is rendered with the vegetation shader.
The vegetation shader applies some movement to the vertices of an object, basing on their color, to simulate the movement of the vegetation affected by wind.
There are some rules you must follow to get the vegetation effect:
  • The vegetation flag of the material must be set.
  • The alpha test flag must be set (see Rendering Properties).
  • The vertices of the model must be coloured using the Vertex edit tool of the Model editor (see Editing Vertices). Alternatively you can colour the vertices in an external editor before importing the model.
  • The wind must have a value > 0 (see SpecialFX editor)

Vegetation parameters

4. Vegetation parameters
These parameters are applied only if Vegetation Flag is set.
  • Main Bend: This is the main bend multiplier. Main Bend is the vertical bending of the overal model that is automatically generated by the wind. Think about it as the tree trunk bending. 0 value completely removes the effect.
    The following image shows the effect of main bending on a palm tree
  • Detail Bend: This is the multiplier of the bend applied by the wind to the foliage of a tree or a plant. This effect requires the colour of the vertices to be set.
    The following image shows the effect of detail bend on a palm tree
  • Bend Frequency: This is the speed of the bending animation.
Combining Main Bending and Detail Bending you can get a convincing animation:

Cloud Flag

5. Cloud Flag
Check this if you want to use a special shader for making a particle system simulating cloud appearence. It must be applied to Cloud static objects ( a special kind of particle system) or to particle systems.

River flag

6. River flag
Check this if you want to use a special shader for simulating the water of a river or a lake. It should be applied to Lake obejcts or to river splines.
See also Create a river material tutorial.

River parameters

7. River parameters
These parameter works only if Is River flag is set.
  • Foam Density: The density of the foam on the river / lake surface
  • Foam Width: The Width of the foam from the side of the river / lake
  • Normal Scale: use this for increasing the normals intensity of the river / lake surface
See also Create a river material tutorial.