User guide

Camera Control Section

In this section you can configure the keys for Scene Viewport Camera controls.
Camera Control Section

Mouse Speed

1. Mouse Speed
Set the speed of mouse cursor

Camera Forward

2. Camera Forward
Choose the key for forward camera movement command.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Camera Backward

3. Camera Backward
Choose the key for backward camera movement command.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Camera Right

4. Camera Right
Choose the key for right camera movement command.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Camera Left

5. Camera Left
Choose the key for left camera movement command.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Camera Up

6. Camera Up
Choose the key for Up camera movement command.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Camera Down

7. Camera Down
Choose the key for Up camera movement command.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Camera Focus

8. Camera Focus
Choose the key for camera Focus command.
Camera focus makes camera to move close to and point a selected object.
You can also make camera orbiting around the object by using the Viewport Navigation commands
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Double camera speed

9. Double camera speed
Choose the key to be pressed for doubling the camera speed.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Top Camera Mode

10. Top Camera Mode
Choose the key to be pressed for selecting the TOP view camera mode. See Navigation for more info.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command

Fly camera mode

11. Fly camera mode
Choose the key to be pressed for selecting the FLY camera mode. See Navigation for more info.
Click on the button and press the key you want to use for the command