User guide

Blend2D Blend2D

Speed multiplier

1. Speed multiplier
Use this slider for multiplying the speed of the animation by a given value.

Root motion

2. Root motion
Check this is you want to use Root Motion for the animation.

Source animations

3. Source animations
This is the table of animation sources composing the Blend2D Animation type.
  • Insert the number of rows of the table in the Rows input box.
  • Insert the number of columns of the table in the Cols input box.
  • To Insert an animation file (an2) into a table cell:
  • Click on the cell
  • Choose an animation into the appearing animation browser dialog.

Do not confuse the animation type (Single,Blend1D, Blend2D) with the source animation file. The first is an element of the list in the modelscript, the latter is the source file in which is contained the animation


Split data

4. Split data
The split data table for the Blend2D animation type.
Every cell of the table is related to the same cell in the source animations table.
Every cell is a list of 4 values, related to the source animation, separated by commas.
These values are inserted automatically when the source animation is loaded, but you can modify them by writing directly into the inputbox.
These values are:
Start frame: This is the index of the frame the animation must start. By default the start frame is 0.
End frame: This is the index of the frame at which the animation must end. By default the end frame index is the index of the last frame of the source animation.
Invert: can be 1 or -1 basing on if you want to invert the naimtion playback.
Rate: This values controls the rating at which the animation must be played