Hi to all,
Benevento, Italy
We are very proud to announce that the S2ENGINE HD 2019.1 version is now OUT.
This version performs a lot of improvements and new features.
The main news are listed below:
- NAVIGATION MESHES. For the full preview go to: https://steamcommunity.com/games/443970/announcements/detail/172083706895415621
- SHADOWMAP CACHE. For the full report go to: https://steamcommunity.com/games/443970/announcements/detail/2655339170789067421
- RENDERING DRIVER SPEED-UP (it mostly impacts RADEON cards). For the full report go to: https://steamcommunity.com/games/443970/announcements/detail/2655339170789067421
There are also minor improvements and new features like:
- Rain blocker volumes: https://www.facebook.com/s2engine/videos/214893599419993/
- Terrain tiles Add/Remove: https://www.facebook.com/s2engine/videos/968968663314362/
- Improved RGBs decoding: https://www.facebook.com/s2engine/photos/a.184424464902329/2254209447923810/?type=3&theater
- Mip-mapped compreseed STX texture synchronization up to 10x faster
- Area lights: https://www.facebook.com/s2engine/videos/323964671576455/
- Improved alpha lod dithering
- Render quality configuration presets (from ultra high to ultra low)
Also many bugfixes has been made. The most important regard:
- Frame stuttering,
- Gamemachine state synchronization,
- Texture importing
- Sound sources
Following is the complete list of notes:
- [BUG FIXED] Crash when resetting the collision mesh of an object into prefab editor
- [BUG FIXED] In some cases No skin mesh imported from FBX file when CollapseFBX option is checked
- [BUG FIXED] When blending animations between 2 states in a GameMachine for the first time, the animations aren’t blended in right way
- [BUG FIXED] When adding a single type animation to an animation list in Model editor the speed of the animation in modelviewport isn’t set in right way
- [BUG FIXED] Crash if you add a new animation without first inserting a name for it
- [BUG FIXED] If you close the modelviewport and, in model editor tool, add a new single animation BUT you don’t assign any source anim, then if you select the added animation and open the modelviewport the animation isn’t played and model disappears.
- [NEW] Now, when you add a new animation in model tool, the latest added animation is automatically selected.
- [BUG FIXED] When you click on the name of a variable into the lists of vars tab FSM tool, the variable is deleted.
- [NEW] Added “StartDebug” menu option (F6 the shortcut) for starting the game simulation with debug Draw mode enabled
- [IMPROVEMENT] Skinned models capsule for ragdolls now are independent from nodes scaling (this removes the limitation to models with no scaled nodes for using ragdolls)
- [NEW] Added new “Wait” action, for states synchronization, in GameMachine
- [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxLinearAcc” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
- [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxAngularAcc” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
- [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxLinearSpeed” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
- [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxAngularSpeed” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
- [BUG FIXED] When copy model joints/capsules data (from model tool in physics tab) capsules orientation isn’t copied
- [BUG FIXED] When selecting objects from Objects tool tab using the SHIFT+LeftMouseButton combination, the first and last selections are duplicated.
- [NEW] Now AI areas (forbiddenArea, WaypointArea and new NavigationArea) can be closed, during creation phase, not only by overlapping first and last point BUT also by clicking right mouse button
- [IMPROVEMENT] Removed diffuse color banding artifacts in dark tones
- [NEW] Added StartFullscreen editor option for starting game simulation in fullscreen mode
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now when you collapse a parameters section in Class and Prefab tools and then update the object or change a parameter the section state (collapsed/expanded) is kept
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now when resizing the scene, model and prefab viewports, toolbar icons do not overlap
- [BUG FIXED] Crash when clicking on “Compressed” checkbox into Texture tool and no texture is selected
- [BUG FIXED] Crash when clicking on “IsNormalmap” checkbox into Texture tool and no texture is selected
- [NEW] Terrain elevate / smooth / step / ramp tools has been grouped in a single tool called “sculpt”
- [NEW] A new Terrain tool, called “edit tiles” has been added for adding / removing tiles from the terrain
- [BUG FIXED] When renaming an asset, if it has a reference into prefabs, it is not updated into the prefab files and in Prefab tool
- [BUG FIXED] When renaming a GMS asset and it is referenced by an object just existing into the scene, if you delete the object and then re-insert into the scene the object prefab, engine crashes.
- [NEW] Added “MoveTo” option in the project browser for moving file from a folder to another.
- [BUG FIXED] When importing an asset package into a project STX textures of the package aren’t added to the project.
- [IMPROVEMENT] When you try to paint on a material without a mask now a warning message is displayed.
- [BUG FIXED] If the filename of a texture to import contains dots other then the one for separating the file extension, the texture isn’t imported
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added support for variable in targetDistance,displaceX,displaceY,targetPitch parameters of Orbit Action
- [NEW] Added support for rain blocking volumes (useful for avoiding indoor rain)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now while you are connecting two states you can scroll the FSM viewport
- [NEW] Added “Lock” button to some vector3d and vector2d parameters, such as object scale and UV tiling (for locking coordinate values).
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now Scaling by gizmo is better calibrated and more usable
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now Scaling and Translate gizmo become completely yellow when mouse cursor is on selected object for applying transforms to all 3 axis.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now when you insert a prefab with one or more hierarchies into the scene, only the root objects of the hierarchies are selected.
- [NEW] Added the possibility to select every object inside a hierarchy, after selecting one object of the hierarchy, by using up and down arrow keys.
- [BUG FIXED] Cannot release a layer mask from a material
- [BUG FIXED] Non-power-Of-Two RGB textures aren’t loaded well and, in the worst case, can cause system to crash.
- [NEW] Added Render->Buffers->Albedo option into Editor main menu
- [NEW] Added Render->Buffers->Normal option into Editor main menu
- [NEW] Added BoxVolume object class
- [NEW] Added ShadowMap cache system
- [IMPROVEMENT] Values of MacroGloss parameter of a material into Material properties tab now are inverted
- [NEW] Added parameter LayerMask to SendMessageInRange Action
- [NEW] Added parameter LayerMask to SendEventInRange Action
- [NEW] Added parameter LayerMask to SendEventBroad Action
- [IMPROVEMENT] 10x faster mip-mapped STX texture synchronization when compressed
- [NEW] Added “Rough Brightness” parameter into texture editor
- [NEW] Added “Alpha Contrast” and “Alpha Brightness” parameters into texture editor
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved Spolight cone fallof
- [NEW] Parameter “fallof” replaced with “InnerFov” paramneter in lights that must be used only when light is a SPOTLIGHT.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved light attenuation
- [BUG FIXED] A sound source cannot be paused
- [NEW] Now ShowSwitch can also pause and resume sounbd sources of target objects.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Increased the number of lights per primitive for Transparent surfaces
- [NEW] Added button “AttachTo” to HierarchyFrame that lets you to Attach an object to another object by picking the second object from scene or selecting the object from hierarchy frame.
- [NEW] Added Sphere and tube Area Lights
- [IMPROVEMENT] Sun light now has an area
- [NEW] Added possibility to set parameter “smooth” with a variable into following GameMachine actions: SetObjectLocalPos, SetCameraFov, Orbit, SetOrientationFromCamera, LookAt, NodeLookAt, SetObjectLocalOrientation, SetOrientationFromObject, SetPositionFromObject, Align
- [NEW] Added Render->Debug->LightsOverlap option into Editor main menu, for checking how many lights overlap
- [NEW] Added support for navigation meshes
- [NEW] Added parameters “NotFoundEvent” and “delay” to AIFindPath action
- [NEW] Added parameters “NotFoundEvent” and “delay” to AIGetFurthestCoverPoint, AIGetFurthestTacticalPoint, AIGetNearestAllowedPoint, AIGetNearestCoverPoint, AIGetNearestTacticalPoint actions
- [NEW] Added possibility to set custom splashscreen during deployed game runtime startup. The custom splashscreen is easly set from the publish dialog.
- [NEW] Added configuration presets for rendering quality specs: Ultra low, very Low, low, medium, high, very high, ultra high.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved lod alpha transition dithering (now it uses ordered dithering)
- [NEW] Added new S2Script function KinematiocMove()
- [NEW] Added to GameMachine SpawnObjects action output parameter that keeps list of spawned objects names.
- [NEW] Added possibility to use a variable for the parameter “value” into the GetObjectParam gameMachine action.
- [BUG FIXED] GameMachine State containing only “one-time” actions isn’t executed if it started by a FINISHED event from previous state and expects a “FINISHED” event to pass to another state.
- [BUG FIXED] When loading a new level by using “LoadLevel” gameMachine action or “LoadLevel” script function the loaded level framerate is not well synchronized (frame stuttering).
Of course this new version is not perfect, it is HUGE, with a lot of new features, so there could be new Unknown bugs.
If you have questions or problems regarding 2019.1 version please do not esitate to open a post into S2ENGINE discussion forum.
In the next days I’ll list all the users feedback and work for fixing eventual bugs
As anticipated the OLD 2018.1 version has been placed into a new BETA branch called “S2ENGINE 2018”.
Do not forget to Follow the PROFENIX STUDIO page on STEAM to be up to date with new contents, DLC and updates:
Hope you appreciate our efforts,