
Hires shots of S2ENGINE HD 1.4.0

Make Your Game, Play Your Game

Hires shots of S2ENGINE HD 1.4.0

In order to respond users requests for high quality images, I’ve posted a bunch of new hires (1920×1080), high quality (16x anisotropy) and maximum detail images taken from the new 1.4.0 editor on a system equipped with a Gefrorce GTX 460.

NOTE: the weapon model is courtesy of Leo (ImBrokeRU)

Comments: 3

  1. Dave says:

    Great pictures Fabio,very impresed.

  2. Omer says:

    really cool
    the coluor is amazing, i love it, you doing very well man
    Good Luck


  3. xux says:

    how to unistall this S2 from my PC!!!?

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