What you will find in S2ENGINE HD 1.4.0 (part I)
Hi guys,
I’ve just posted on Youtube a video that shows some of the new features of the upcoming 1.4.0 version.
Many are the features added so I’ve decided to produce more than one single video to show all the news. Next parts will be posted soon.
Be patient guys, the release date is very very close :).
Enjoy and stay tuned!
Comments: 4
Nice man //late us hear your voice//.I have feelling that the price will change, and i hope you will not do that.
please tell me is S2 support C# ?
S2 does not support C#, I’m working to improve and extended S2Engine propretary language :).
About price: maybe I’ll change it but I’ll not increase it. 🙂
Instead I would to change the offer in a way that it will be more accessible.
That looks nice. It comming along VERY nicely.
Thank you Gavalakis 🙂